LIFE! Everyone is aware of what life is. But do you know nobody is living a completely hurdle-free life? YES! In the life of each and every person on this planet Earth who was ever born, has lived, died or will ever be born, he or she will have to face the troubles. Nobody lives a "perfect perfect" life. It is all a sham. It is all a facade. It is all a lie. It has no reality.  

But, there are certain ways which all of us can adopt as an individual to minimize the problems we face in our daily lives. The biggest fact is that we have to chew and digest some bitter-most capsules. The capsules of "how to lower one's ego to save relationships from collapsing", "how to be chivalrous", "how to not have a condescending demeanor", "how to not always be right in every situation", "how to step into someone else's shoe and have empathy" and much more. 

These are some sad but true realities of our lives that at present, all the issues we are facing are majorly because of the way we react, we talk, we think of others and such outward behaviors. There are certain ways that I've devised to live a healthy and a great life with least number of problems as possible. These are stated below:- 

1) Forgive and forget:- Not everything needs to be remembered every time. Learn to let things go. 
2) Do self-deprecation:- The humble you try to make yourself, the more the empathetic you become. 
3) Learn to heal, not hurt:- Do not always have an intention to retaliate. I repeat, learn to let things go. 
4) Say Sorry even if it hurts your ego:- Doing this makes you agile enough to ask for forgiveness despite having no fault. Always remember, your relations should be your priority no matter what.
5) Avoid accepting self praises much:- It is to be done in case it makes you egoistic. If it doesn't, leave this then. 
6) Accept the things:- It is hard accepting certain happenings in our life but, the sooner we accept them, the earlier we start our way towards another path rather than keeping a hold onto that and wallowing in agony. Remember, with agonies come adamancy. 
7) Learn the "nobody's perfect" rule:- Nobody was born perfect, neither one would ever be. Learn to accept the flaws in everyone.
8) Introspection:- If you find all others wrong and only yourself better, go for an introspection and you'll be able to see the blemishes within you very clearly.
9) Save relations:- Bow down to every extent to save people you admire in life. People can go from being in your life an instant ago to being buried under the Earth real quick. No cries could then bring them back. And no regrets can take you out the agony.
10) Accept the above:- Because "the sooner, the better!"  

The only reason why children are the happiest is because they do all the things as stated above. Think!