A family is the backbone of you. A family is something people wish to have. Families are the nuts and bolts of a house. A family serves as the blood of your supporting pipeline. Families are the life of your happiness. But, how would you describe family in a line? How much significant is a family? Let's dive to find these answers in the words.

A family is the greatest blessing and gift one could have in his entire life. Family is the gift which can never be replaced and never be renewed. Families are the best source and pills of happiness. Families may be as small as up to 2 members in them or as big as containing up to 10 or even more members in them. Families are not made by number of members but love! Families are purest form of love. Family is the truest example of bliss. Family is the only reason people try finding reasons for to live with. The importance of a family is unexplainable. It is beyond the game of words to be inked to a paper. It is something more difficult than that. 

Importance of family is best understood by those who don't have a family or, have a family but their is no love in them. Wishes are the desires of every human being. Everyone wants their wishes to be fulfilled. Now guess the importance of one sole wish one would have in his entire life and guess the importance of that wish too. A family is the only wish an orphan desires for. Having a family is the only wish people who have no one with them have. Families are the supporters of you. They are your lovers. A family is the base of your morality and etiquettes. The compromises, the love, the sharing of things, the curtsy, courtship, thanksgiving attitude, all are first taught at home by a family. A family teaches you how to do all these and many other good things by initiating such acts at home. You compromise for your family, learn to appreciate things at your home. A family teaches you how to live for others!

Families may include just a husband and wife. Family may also include husband, wife, their children and their in-laws. Family may be a separated one or a joint one. But, a family is a family. The love you get from them is unparalleled. The infatuation you have for them is unmatched. You are willing to do everything for them despite fighting with them. You quarrel with your family, but on the very other hand, you can not see them in agony. This is what family also teaches you; to try taking away the pain of others by spreading smiles.

A family is an example of the best relationship that exists in this world. Every relation may change, come to an end, but the relations in a family are for eternity. Your sister will always be your sister no matter what. Your brother will always be your brother. Your mother will always be your mother and so will be your father. But a lover may no longer love the same person, friends may not remain friends forever. Everything and every relation changes with time. But the relation of a family is for eternity. 

Learn to appreciate your family and let things go. No one in this temporary world stays forever. Regrets are a "no solution to beyond gone problems". Love your family for your family is your only supporter, encourager, lover and teacher in this mortal cruel world.