What is tea? To tea lovers or the rest? Firstly, let's talk about the groups in our world. Presently, people are divided into two categories.
Category 1: Those who like tea.
Category 2: Those who don't.

Let's talk about type 2 first. People in this type either don't like tea much or don't have much to say about it. For some of them, tea is just an alternative to medicine. They can take it whenever they feel slight sickness; flu and cough etc. And for the remaining, they find it absolutely obnoxious.

But whatever is the case, is it worth ridiculing people with an infatuation for tea? Or to gall them for it? No, it is not,  definitely not, absolutely not! When they were asked for an opinion about tea lovers, their prompt reactions were raised eyebrows and funny faces.

Most of them were of the viewpoint that tea is just like other beverages. While some were of the idea that coffee is the best. Well, everyone has their own opinion but being hesitant to accept other beliefs was something not much appreciated by type 1. Blatantly refusing to accept their opinions and ideas and ignoring any other possibility regarding tea in general sparked an unsaid conflict amongst both the parties, which is still on the go. 

Are "It's not even tasty, if we're being honest", "I would rather have medicines than tea" or, "Who in their right mind even like it?" and many other hateful and disrespectful remarks made by type 2 exacerbating the situation? 

Heading towards type 1 to understand what their point of view is and how they feel about the disrespectful remarks regarding the tea they love and adore oh so much!
They were really offended by the aforementioned information. For them, tea does wonders! Tea is medicine! Tea is craving! Tea is a healer! Tea is the friend they never had! Tea is everything!

In a nutshell, the crux of the conversation by the tea lovers is that what it means to them is not something ordinary people would understand because magic is known by magicians only!