What is a letter? A letter maybe called a special hand-written note that conveys emotions and feelings and sentiments. Letters are always written to show the feelings in a verbal manner. Letters had had great significance in the past but these days, the have lessened because of the innovation of technology and use of latest techniques. 

In the past, letters for the lovers were sent with the help of pigeons. How loyal and faithful of an animal right?. Pigeons, you can say were the source of transportation of the letters. Letters, when written for the loved ones do hold special places in the hearts of both the proponents. It just escapades the feelings and intuitions for what might be in that specific letter for them.

However, some letters are not always well-cared. Some letters are not always looked back at with the same feelings. What if those letters, those words of wisdom, words of love and words of emotions become insignificant to look at? What if those emotions might have emotions as well? What if the letters let the letters know about the letters lettered in them? The feeling of being forgotten is perhaps, one of the most unwanted and unworthy feeling of life. 

The letters might be narrating to us about the significance they have had in the past but how, at the present day and time, people have forgotten them, how they are just somewhere hidden inside the book of a shelf or under the drawer of a cabinet and how they are just sprawled with unchecked means of ever checking on them. Does that hurt? Does that imply undesirability? Or people are just fond of inscribing words with emotions they later forget about.....

Emotions and feelings, may change never or maybe, people don't want to look back at what they wrote with what thoughts and imaginations. Whatever is the case, here I am, covered with other letters in an envelope hidden in the cabinet. She often comes to me, but to put in just more and more letters. Am I unpleasant now, dusty, covered with mud and spiderwebs? Or is it just the craze to accept the letters and side them? What so is the case, I feel unlucky being unused and untouched. But maybe, this is how humans work, "Write, Collect and just Keep!"